The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and Climate Focus, in partnership with the Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) network, and in coordination with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring Task Force and many other collaborators, led a process to create a Restoration Project Information Sharing Framework.

The Framework was developed to track progress and trends in ecosystem restoration and includes monitoring indicators and project descriptors that can be shared among the many platforms and databases that collect, aggregate, evaluate, and provide access to data on ecosystem restoration.

The result of this global process is a set of 61 headline, core, and secondary monitoring indicators organized under the UN Decade’s 10 Principles of Ecosystem Restoration, along with 32 project descriptors used to document general project information.

The development of the Framework and shared monitoring indicators was supported by a grant from, and represents the collective thinking of more than 80 individuals from 55 organizations and 27 countries. The Framework is a living tool that is intended to adapt and change as the field of restoration evolves.

Since 2015, the NYDF Assessment Partners have conducted an annual assessment of global progress toward the ten goals of the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) and its 2020 and 2030 targets – including NYDF Goal 5, focused on restoring 350 million hectares of degraded land by 2030. The Glasgow Leader's Declaration on Forests and Land Use, adopted at COP26, echoes this same target in its goal to "halt and reverse deforestation by 2030.

Are we on track to meet the 2030 restoration goal? Read our summary of progress over the past decade.

The NYDF Assessment recently published detailed progress updates on all ten goals of the NYDF, as well as insights on global progress and the barriers that stakeholders face in protecting and restoring forests.

The Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) is a global network of leading data providers, NGOs and practitioners convening to strengthen capacity, tools and systems used to monitor the restoration of landscapes.

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