
Mongabay: Global ecosystem restoration progress: How and who’s tracking it?

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22 December 2021

Author(s) :

Mike Gaworecki

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In recent years, nature-based climate solutions, which seek to promote and enhance planet Earth’s innate ability to sequester carbon, have increasingly become an important strategy to mitigate global warming.

Ecosystem restoration, the process of bringing back ecological functionality in degraded ecosystems, is one nature-based solution that shows great promise, and it also seems to have worked its way into the public consciousness. Forest restoration, especially, has inspired people the world over to donate to, and participate in, various tree-planting initiatives, a simple and potentially effective means of combating climate change.

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The Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) is a global network of leading data providers, NGOs and practitioners convening to strengthen capacity, tools and systems used to monitor the restoration of landscapes.

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