Forbes: How Monitoring Can Spur Investment In Land Restoration

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3 June 2021

Author(s) :

Gill Cassar, Derrick Emsley, Julian Fox, Jillian Gladstone, Swati Hingorani, Fred Stolle and Clara Rowe

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Around the world, 3.2 billion people are affected by degraded landscapes, land that has lost some degree of its natural productivity due to human-caused processes. Restoring these landscapes can improve community resilience and enhance local livelihoods.

Restoration initiatives also hold the potential to deliver nearly 30% of the mitigation needed to attain the 1.5°C climate target, and nature’s contribution to the global economy is worth more than $125 trillion annually.

So why is investment in landscape restoration so sorely lacking?

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The Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) is a global network of leading data providers, NGOs and practitioners convening to strengthen capacity, tools and systems used to monitor the restoration of landscapes.

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