Restore 150 million hectares of degraded landscapes and forestlands by 2020 and
significantly increase the rate of global restoration thereafter, which would restore at
least an additional 200 million hectares by 2030.
The first criterion measures progress on biophysical restoration using two indicators. The first,
forest cover gain, relates to tree cover increases within forest landscapes. The second, tree
cover gain inside and outside forest landscapes, includes forest landscapes in addition to
areas with sparse tree cover, such as agricultural lands.
Tree cover gain inside and outside the forest (ha)
The second indicator of increased cover gain is evaluated using satellite-based monitoring of
biophysical progress. Analysis conducted for the NYDF 2019 Goal 5 Progress Report used a
suite of data and tools to create a regional monitoring system to measure progress on forest
The Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) is a global network of leading data providers, NGOs and practitioners convening to strengthen capacity, tools and systems used to monitor the restoration of landscapes.